Basmala Gamal Hassan Mohamed

Resume Details


Basmala Gamal Hassan Mohamed

Resume Description

Personal Information


Name: Basmala Gamal Hassan Mohamed


Phone: 01019284566

Address: Nasr city- Cairo-Egypt


Personal Summary

I am a law student seeking opportunities in the field of social media and marketing, assistant sales, adminstration where I can apply my skills for continuous improvement


Al Azhar University

Student at Shari’ah and law in English department, 2022

Third year

The degree of course is very good

Member of Talebat men agl misr team

Member of college representative in some formal meetings

Participated in some student activities

Girls High School

Al Azhar institute for girls, Class of 2022

Graduated valedictorian Participated in some student activities

Played as a leader of student activities team

Work Experience


Volunteer at Resala charity (2023-present)

PR member until now (Ideal volunteer)

HR member for two months

PR member at MYF academy

Volunteer at Youth entity builders of the future

Member of the Egyptian Youth Council

Marketing (2023-2024)

Member at My way

Sounds Cosmo brand

Oriflame brand

Sales (2019-2021)

Sales member in electrical and fumiture shop

Data entry on computer

Full management


Personal Skills

communication, presentation, marking administration skills Flexibility and adaptability, Conflict resolution Leadership and team management, Time management and organization, Critical thinking, problem solving.


Start date 2022

Student at Shari'ah and law in English department of Alazhar university

  • Updated 3 months ago

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